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Running a Hotel, Inn, Bed & Breakfast or simply renting out more than just one place on Airbnb could be tough if you don’t manage your linen properly and, more important, efficiently.

Just reading this Airbnb superhost comment could make you reconsider renting business altogether:
“I think I spend more time with my washer and dryer than I do any human friends”.

Besides the hospitality industry, there are many other industries that may require laundry services: 

  • vets and animal care clinics
  • equestrian 
  • gyms and wellness centers
  • launderettes and dry-cleaning services
  • holiday resorts
  • caravan and camping sites
  • marine services
  • dairy production plants
  • other production plants.

There are many options on how to get the maximum results from your laundry machinery, you only need to decide what suits you the best.

By applying one of our solutions: REACTORWASH-MATE or Laundry ReSTART, you can optimize your laundry time and costs.  

Contact us if you require additional information or advice on your particular situation.